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Solving Sudoku

I'm really bored because of quarantine. I've gotten so bored that I started playing sudoku. After getting better at the beginner puzzles, I started trying the harder ones. Eventually, I found one that I couldn't finish. After two days unable to find a solution to it, I thought about how I could program an answer to the general case.

*Sometimes a puzzle has multiple solutions. This will find the easiest one

How to Solve Every Puzzle

Most people use the backtracking (recursive) method when making a sudoku solving program (this one did). But there's also other ways to solve it.
There's basically two functions that make up this program: the validation function and the recursion. The validation function just checks to see if a number makes sense in a specific cell on the puzzle. The recursion is where the magic happens. It loops through the possible numbers in each cell and finds the number that works. Compared to regular brute force search, backtracking uses a depth-first search. This drastically increases performance.

If you wanna read more about recursion check this out.

Hardest Puzzle

If you're like me you're probably wondering "what would be the hardest puzzle to solve". Well, Arto Inkala answers that question in this really cool article. If you feed it into the solver above I it'll take a while to solve though...
If you're also bored and want something to do, check out these puzzles online. That is, until you get stuck on one and program a solver 🤧